Thursday, December 17, 2009

i wanna wake up.

sometimes when i don't get my way, i can tend to get nasty.

even during this christmas season when i have abundantly more to make my life comfy and content, i can be ungrateful.

i can take so much for granted and lose total sight of what others are missing or don't have.

i pray that God would change this in me.

in Francis Chan's book "crazy love" he begs people to understand that this life is but a vapor. nothing is coming with us into eternity. not our big perfect house, the car we worked years to buy, or money. none of it. he asks often throughout the book to evaluate what is it that we hold so tightly to. for me, so often it is comfort. it is happiness and materialistic things. i pray that God would strip me of that. i don't want to hold anything tighter than i hold onto him and what he asks of me. whether that's to one day downsize my house, or give away my car or move to another country. who am i to disobey. i encourage you to pick up his book. it will change your perspective, no doubt. here a couple different people i follow daily in the blog world to anchor my perspective on eternity and not on earth.

(photo via flickr)

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